Friday, December 21, 2007

Another Christmas Meditation

Clip from Narnia Chronicles

Start with Clip

That clip was from the Chronicles of Narnia. Lucy and her siblings receive weapons of spiritual warfare. CS Lewis intended that we should understand Aslan to be Jesus, the Lion of Judah.

At Christmas it is always tempting to think of soft cuddly Jesus in a manger. We have bought into a Hallmark Christmas rather than a true birth of Jesus experience.

When Herod became aware that Wisemen were worshipping Jesus, he immediately wanted to find and kill him.

Christmas was God, as an undercover, or rather under swaddling clothes, agent, coming to earth to fight the ultimate fight and defeat Satan so that we could live forever. Christmas ushered in the age of Aslan, the lion of Judah, who will sit upon the throne and right all wrongs and bring peace for eternity.

As the clip says, Long live Aslan. This morning, as we partake of the cup, let us raise our cups and say, Long live Jesus, Long live the King.

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